Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com

 It has been 16 months since Creative Memories announced it's second bankruptcy which would result in closing CM as we knew it, the re-launch of a new company and recently announced the closing of the new company (Ahni & Zoe) and now the purchase of the trade names, products and equipment. 

For me, it has been a long 16 months.  
  • I struggle with making decisions.  (it took me 6 years to order new window treatments)
  • I struggle with listening and trusting my own voice.  
  • I struggle with the fact that I see things differently than others at times.  
  • I struggle with being "left behind" even though in my heart I don't really want to follow them down a particular path.  
  • I struggle to believe that my talents and skills are worthwhile and that I can make a difference.
  • I struggle with wanting to make sure everyone is taken care of or will be happy with my decision. 
I think you get the idea.   I know God has been lovingly "hitting me upside the head" with messages that I ignore. Still worrying and wondering, "what should I do?"   Why do we ignore the messages that God and his universe are sending us?  

Here are the decisions I have made:
  1. I will not be building a scrapbook business again
  2. I will remain  an affiliate/consultant for several different scrapbook avenues to help other and earn a few $$ here and there. 
  3. I want to remain an scrapbook adviser to all my wonderful scrapbook friends!
  4. Digital Scrap booking:  I will continue to use my Storybook Creator (now Artisan) and Memory Manager (now Historian) programs because I truly still believe they are awesome programs and I'm so happy to be able to continue to use them with the Panstoria company (who originally wrote the programs).  I will help others to do so as well. 
  5. Printing of Storybooks and Page Prints:  ordering through Panstoria print shop
  6. Printing of other Photo gifts :  Panstoria or Heritage Makers depending on price
  7. Traditional Scrapbooking:  When I need any of these products, I will purchase from Our Memories for Life (Rhonda Anderson's new company).  I am VERY pleased with the product offering thus far and the promise of what is to come.  I'm excited that I will be able to get CM-like quality bookcloth coversets, papers, tape runner and border maker cartridges!. 
  8. New Business :   I am excited to be using, and sharing DoTerra essential oils.  I am amazed at the testimonials people are excited to tell me about.   It's so fun to see people and have them tell me that great things are happening with their health and life versus admitting, with downcast eyes, that they have not worked on their albums in a long time. 
  9. New Direction:  Improving people's health and life through DoTerra and Resonance RePatterning are areas that I want to invest time to learn, grow and serve
  10. Work:  I will also be looking for part time or full time outside the house work. (looking for leads...)
I appreciate all my wonderful scrapbook customers over the years who have become my friends, all the hosts and all the various team members that joined me.  Our life as a family was richly blessed by Creative Memories and all the people I met over the years. I am grateful. 

I hope to remain in contact with as many of my CM contacts as I can!  I'm on facebook, I text, I email and my phone works!   I am still here to answer questions and help advise you on your projects.  You'll have to reach out to me for that advise, but I'm NEVER TOO BUSY to help.   I'm also open for breakfasts, coffee visits, lunch, movies, walks and scrapping or other activities! 

So, choices have finally been made that I feel are the best for me, although I know it may not please everyone and my choices may not be perfect, but that is ok too.  It's part of the journey and I am finally moving along a path instead of being stuck at the cross roads.  

p.s.  When you are ready to get some advise with your existing CM software, starting with digital, digital photo gifts or how to get the Our Memories For Life Traditional products, feel free to contact me and we'll get you hooked up! 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

For the last few months after we heard the Creative Memories was filing bankruptcy, it has been a process of a slow death to a closure for so many of us that have really loved being a part of this company. (A re-birth is in the future, tho!)   We have indeed grieved the loss of what we have know.  We knew changes needed to be made for some time now, and those changes may come in the New Company launching sometime in November but it is still a loss of what was CM for 27 years. I was with the company for 14 of those years.
I have cried, lost sleep, been angry, agonized, complained, encouraged, had tons of conversations trying to explain what was going on to my team and customers, remained hopeful, lost hope, regained a bit more hope and spent many hours on the phone with consultant friends discussing what was happening, what we hoped would happen and what we thought would happen.  We are still waiting  to see what will happen.    
The quote above applies to so many areas of our lives.  I realized last night that I said to someone, "I need change, I've never been doing one thing for so long before (meaning CM)."   Then it struck me.  I've wanted change, keep saying I want a change but don't change.  It happens to so many of us.  Fear and un-certainly come in.  What will people think?  Who will I dis-appoint?  Will my friends still be my friends if I do something different?  Will I fail?  What if I succeed beyond my wildest dreams?  Will I be able to handle it?  Am I worthy of success and happiness?  I do realized these are MY fears and concerns and that others in my life do not actually do things to drive those thoughts; I have a great support system. But, my self-talk can be quite harsh!
I wish we lived in a society more accepting of people trying new things and changing course often.  I  operate under the old notion that someone who stays at one job for a long time is successful.  As I am typing this, I am thinking that that would have been my Father's point of view but I suddenly  realize the truth is that he was always trying something new, innovating, growing. hmmmm.. AHA moment!

 I know a friend who recently made a change and several co-workers and acquaintances were very nasty about it.  What right do they have to judge someone trying something new that they think will better their lives, even if a short term adventure!   So, self check time....am I being a supportive friend and family member?
I admire people that have had several unique and varied life and career experiences.   They have tried many different things and have been successful in all but choose to keep exploring their path.   Who do we know that is doing the same?  Are we encouraging them?   Is this who we truly want to be?  Will our friends and family support us?
Even a longed for change will be hard and will feel like part of a life dying.  Many  people are in that position of changing in our world today.  Let's all be sure that we remain positive, encouraging, supportive friends and family.  What can you do to reach out to someone today and say "go for it!  I'm right here for you!"  Have a great week and let's all try something new and support others to join us!


Friday, September 27, 2013

Seasons are changing and so is my season of life!

Fall is in the air.  It was a crisp cool day today and the trees on the block are starting to change color. I have to accept that Fall is upon us.  I also need to accept that as this season changes, it is my opportunity to fully embrace change in my life as well. Why is that so hard to do?  Why am I so frozen about making a commitment to trying a path.  Why have I become so afraid of making a mistake?   Questions I'm sure we all ask ourselves from time to time (or day to day) in our lives.  I know I'm not alone in these feelings, although I generally feel that way!

Today marks the day after 14 years as a Creative Memories consultant that I can no longer order products from the company as our ordering has shut down in order to launch a new company and product line on November 1st.   This has been coming from several months and I have many feelings about all that has happened and what is to come. 

My goal as a consultant was to help people tell their stories in a way that was fast and easy.  Heck, it's even about showing people that EVERYONE has a story to tell that is important.   My parents are both deceased and I have very little family. We are from a  blended family so the stories that would be important to me are not necessarily the stories important to them.   I don't have people to tell me about my parents.  I want to capture what I can remember before I am gone or can not remember myself.  I want this for my son and someday, for his children. 

As a society, we have moved away from our families and from frequent family gatherings where family stories are told.  Although, we have the option of technology to stay in touch, the stories of our past are not transferred through this medium.  We are losing our valuable family histories and connections.   I fear that this disconnected and detached from our family lifestyles will continue to lead the United States down a path the lessens our strength as a Nation that stands together.

Ok...so... Your stories are important and I'd still like to help others tell their stories.  I'd also like to help people grow (while at the same time, I grow along with them) as individuals who feel valued and fulfilled.  I want to grow connectivity to the Higher Power, to our families, to our friends and to our communities.   I want to love myself and honor who I am as I honor each individual for who they are.  I want to work with others to make the world a more connected place.

Although, at this time, I'm still not sure what my role with the new Creative Memories will be (still waiting for all the details), I know I will still be helping others while continuing to work on my albums.  I LOVE digital scrapping with Storybook Creator and Memory Manager software and will continue to use them.   I hope to transition with the company Panstoria with the software and expect others will as well.

So, the goal of my blog, at this point in time, will be to serve as a way to stay in touch with my Creative Memories customers, offers tips and resources for album making and hopefully some life inspiration as well.  This will be a work in progress and a place for my to share my point of view of the world as Fall starts and the season of my life changes as well!  I hope you'll join me in my adventure!